Leading the Charge in New Space Manufacturing
Spacecraft technology is experiencing a revolution in manufacturing. The epoch of hand-built satellites is over. Constellation operators are building multiple satellites daily on assembly lines. Launchers are placing hundreds of serialized spacecraft in orbit. The satellite component supply chain must be re-invented to keep up with this new demand. Production capacity must increase, costs must be reduced, but reliability must remain supreme. Orbion is leading this charge.
AS9100D Registered System
AS9100D is the international Quality Management System standard for the Aviation, Space and Defense (AS&D) industry. Orbion has achieved AS9100D certification of our management system (Registrar NSF-ISR) for “the design, manufacture, qualification, sale and support of satellite propulsion systems.” The AS9100D standard is based on ISO 9001, but encompasses additional requirements specific to the unique needs of aerospace industry prime organizations and OEMs. The standard provides suppliers with requirements for creating and maintaining a comprehensive quality system for providing safe and reliable products to the space industry.
Thrusters Built by Thruster Experts
Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. Each Orbion unit is assembled, inspected, and tested under our roofline by the expert team that designed it. Orbion’s in-house manufacturing safeguards the quality of the product through the entire lifecycle and reduces supply chain dependency on third parties.
Rigorous Acceptance Testing
At Orbion, we believe anything less than full acceptance testing of each unit is a risk customers should not have to carry. Quality assurance and quality control are of utmost importance to us. Period. When you receive your Orbion products, you can rest assured each serial number was subjected to rigorous component- and system-level acceptance testing, including:
Acceptance testing of each and every unit we manufacture includes:
- Electrical functional tests
- Electronic burn-in
- Dimensional & visual inspection
- Flow & leak tests
- Vibration testing
- Thermal-vacuum cycling
- In-vacuum performance testing across full throttle range
- Exhaust plume diagnostics

Meet the Orbion Team
Orbion’s engineers have built 100s of space hardware components that are flying all over the solar system
Orbion’s ExpertiseThruster configurator
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